Farewell to the Roaring 20s

This past Saturday night I celebrated two of my best friends turning 30. For many, 30 is quite a benchmark birthday, like 21 is for just about everyone. Although, turning 30 isn’t as much fun as 21, when you can legally drink for the first time. 30 is still a great milestone. For many it represents a new stage in life. A stage that’s filled with a family of your own, babies, weddings, being on your own, responsibilities and basically the beginning of true adulthood. Turning 30 can be a scary thing for many. For me, it wasn’t a great celebration at all. I was against hitting the 3-0 mark. I had had a horrible past few months, had recently lost my grandmother and basically just boycotted the whole experience. It just wasn’t a fun time for me at all. But for others 30 gives those who have been thrown into “adult” life an excuse to party and enjoy. So this Saturday night, that was just what we did. Babies were left with sitters or grandparents, mommies and daddies got dressed up, formula bottles were exchanged for alcohol and lullabies for some dancing tunes.

For this dou celebration, the birthday girls themed the night, Saying Goodbye to the Roaring 20s! Everyone was asked to dress in 20s themed attire, and to my surprise it was executed perfectly. I know a lot of people aren’t big fans of theme parties or costumes, but this must’ve been an easy one to pull off because there was not one person in attendance that wasn’t dressed in theme. We had an array of flappers, mob guys, 1920 style golfers, top-hat wearing men, tacky mustaches, black stockings, feathers, long cigars, suspenders, bright red lipsticks and fedoras. Everyone looked amazing.

The room was a dark, cellar looking room fittingly named The Black Room, in the back of The Globe, a local Miami restaurant. The atmosphere of the dark walls and intimate setting, just gave in the perfect 1920s theme. Black and white 1920s movies were playing in silent on a flat screen in the back of the room, which just set the scene and made it feel like we all belonged in the movie. At the strike of midnight, after singing the traditional Happy Birthday and toasting with Champagne, we combined modern dance with 1920s flair with a choreographed 1920 Charleston mob-dance as a surprise to the birthday girls. Everyone in the room slowly joined the crowd in dance.

This 1920s celebration really hit the mark. It was a great way to send off my two friends to the next chapters of their lives. A chapter, I’m looking forward to witnessing. After being by each other’s side though sorority rushes, parties, broken hearts, weddings, bachelorette parties and even the births of babies, I’m excited to see what the next 30 years have in store for us all. As I mentioned in a recent post, we are entering new journeys – journeys that are fun to see unravel.


What did you do to celebrate your 30th birthday? Do you think a 30th birthday should be celebrated in a big way? Share your 30th birthday ideas, celebrations or mishaps below.

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3 responses to “Farewell to the Roaring 20s

  1. Pingback: Beauty Bust: Sexy Waves Minus War Wounds | Bella Vida·

  2. Gotta say I love the idea! In fact I just celebrated my 30th on aug 6th, modeled after the same exact theme. I, too, was dreading the Big 3-0, for many of the same reasons Michelle mentioned, and more! But, refusing to wallow in my self-created misery, I decided to celebrate my life. Past, present, and future!

    To say it was a blast, is an understatement! Set in the antique-filled News Lounge in Midtown, I couldn’t have asked for a better back-drop. All who attended themselves to the 9s in utter flapper opulence! Elegant, classy, and refined, we all had an amazing time!

    The way I see it, the 20s are your time to discover yourself. Now your 30s…your 30s are your time to express that well-established knowledge and make your mark on this world!

    My advice, should you choose to take it, CELEBRATE! You have ONE life. So, good or bad, make it count. And, if you put your best foot forward and start it with a smile, you’ll end it just the same way!

    • Caro, I agree with you that in your 30s it’s your time to express who you’ve become in your 20s. I’m glad your birthday was also a success. It’s a great theme for a 30th birthday bash for sure!

What do you think?